#1 Shannon's back down to her fighting weight. I didn't want to say it last year, but I was more than a little disappointed that Mrs. Bonsall didn't have the baby weight gone by the beginning of last season. I didn't bring it up because I thought there would be some backlash from the females on the team for pointing out the fact that she gave birth about 40 days before game one, that's 960 hours, 57,600 minutes. HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU NEED!!!!!?????? I brought it up to a couple of people and the consensus was that I would be called a "Jerk" or possibly even an "Insensitive Bastard". But that's all water under the bridge because Shannon looks faster than ever, which is a big deal going forward.
#2 Two words, Steven Birchfield. In Steve's first kickball game he did very well. Some, nice kicks, and some amazing catches. Lets face it, and with no disrespect to the ladies in the field, Tim and Steve basically covered that outfield themselves in some very windy conditions. I'm unsure if Steve will be able to get back to any games this year because his mean spirited self-centered girlfriend is making him get a job. However, I look forward to facing off against Steve August 16th in the Port Hope Tournament when he brings in a team of his own....and every time he is up I'm going to yell "Hey Panicy-Pants Birchfield! Remember that time you went to kick the ball and fell on your ass? Ass Face!".
#3 It's just nice to be playing kickball again.
I would like to take this moment, to give out "Ass of the Week". We had a couple options this week, Bonsall hit a nice home run. Tim made some nice plays in the outfield. Erica Little made her kickball debut, I always take a little pride in introducing someone new to the game and become excited for them. On that note I would like to mention last year's newcomer Kerri Dhyse who completely blew off people that were volunteering to cure cancer to be at the field Friday. That effort alone gives Kerri the runner up award. However, the week one "Ass of the Week" goes to Steven Birchfield. Way to go Steve!
This week we play The Freeballers, with a little effort we should live up to our team name and our record will be a Double Deuce...2-2.
Let me know if you are in for this week by posting below. You don't have to log on, you can just post anonymously and sign your name. FYI, the U.P. Coalition will be here next week, so I'm looking forward to Mr. Bonsall being on the bench, Scott and Leigh in the field, and Mrs. Bonsall (Not Shannon) watching the baby.
Sarah is in and I am pretty sure that Steven will be in as well!
Looking forward to our first two wins. Not sure what the problem was last week as you can see in the above pictures I was doing everything I could to stay properly hydrated. I am in and so is the rest of my family. (wife, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister)-Bonsall
I am really looking forward to 1-kicking the ball with not-my-leg but my foot and 2-making it on base. Yes, I have high goals for Friday's game.
You have to start somewhere Little E! This should be a good confidence building game, The Freeballers usually suck.
I am in like a fat man raiding a buffet
I'm IN!!
What does "Panicy-Pants" mean?
Also, even though I don't know everyone on your team, I am pretty confident that Steve's girlfriend (SI) is the sweetest angel princess on the team and not mean spirited or self-centered.
LOL from one of the Port Hope Bitches,
It's my nickname for Steve, because he panics under pressure. I don't think we are talking about the same Sarah Iseler. I'm talking about my awful cousin.
You going to PH to see Norm this weekend?
I know Bri already responded but since i have een crazy busy at work, thanks to the storms, i am late. I'm in by the way and yes we have sitters this week :) woo hoo, can we relive old memories at the Blarney? :)
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