Monday, June 23, 2008

Picture Day

It looks like most of the team will be here this Friday (Let me know if you are not going to make it), so I'm going to call it PICTURE DAY!!!!  Don't forget your comb, because even though we might not have the best looking record in the league, it doesn't mean we can't be the best looking team.  Ladies....don't be afraid to be sexy.  Guys, tap your inner Swayze.

Ideally, I would like to take everyone down to Olan Mills and get some good shots done, but I think we will just do it at the field.  We play at 6:30 this week at CP2, I think we will take it after the game, someone might want bring a mirror so no one ends up looking like Rocky Dennis.  (What was his mother thinking?  She let him grow a mullet, and you know, she smoked all that crack with a fertilized egg attached to her womb, talk about duh!)

Speaking of looking like Rocky Dennis....All American A-Holes play at 8 on the other field at Oak Park and Coolidge, so we will have a game to watch while we make the cooler weight more manageable.  The games really tucker me out and it hurts my shoulder to carry a partially full cooler.  We have a bathroom this week.  Look for the Week Two write up soon.  I'm soul searching to find something good to say...I feel like Dalton after observing all of his bouncers at work his first night at the Double Deuce.


Anonymous said...

Sarah and Steve will be in (unless Steve gets a job by then)

The Bonsall's said...

Bri and I are in :)

Anonymous said...

I'm IN!!!!