I needed to get the word out about the 2nd Annual Port Hope Kickball Tournament on August 15th and 16th and have a little fun at the same time. Lucky for me our Short Stop Tim Finkel and catcher/outfielder Angela LaRosa happened to be in town that same weekend and helped me out. Every year the Port Hope Parade has 4 things, tractors (probably 150 of them), queens (not like a Ferndale parade, but bean, sugar, 4H...), politicians (big election year this year), and sun shine (it has never rained on a Port Hope Parade). So I decided to lampoon all 4 all in one float. Lucky for me my dad had his 1944 McCormick Farmall "A" tractor home. So I had a tractor. Finding a queen was a little harder. I asked a couple girls who I thought would be up for it, but was turned down. Undeterred, I caught wind that Mark McTaggart and his girlfriend Keri Barnett (think I dicked up the spelling) were going to be in town. Long story short about Mark and Keri, they are a ton of fun and some of my favorite people that I don't get to see very often, but when we do get together it usually ends at about 4-5 in the morning in Mark's mothers kitchen making deviled eggs.
I asked and Keri agreed to be the first ever Kickball Queen probably in the history of the known universe, and Mark agreed to drive the tractor. Now I needed a politician, I found that guy when I looked in the mirror, now I needed some sunshine. I flashed a quick smile, and BOOM! There it was. Now I had a Float. Mix in Tim and Ang handing out flyers a couple kickball's 12 Miller High Life's, and now we are partyin'. Keri wore a dress that couldn't have been more perfect, I went straight to Marv's closet and pulled out a fine short sleeved collard shirt, orange tie and I was set....Here is how it went down...
Keri, Mark and Ang getting ready, you can almost see the butterflies in the tummy's. Keri and I walked pasted the Bean Queen right before the parade started, they waved and said "hi" and I said "you realize you are completely mocking her right now right?"
Me and the Queen making another Kickball Dream come true.
Tim getting a shot of me and the Flyer.
Queen Keri "Gettin' Some!"
Keri's best quote was as we are pulling onto Main St.: "This is so F**ki*g Cool."
Mark's best quote: "Keri, you might be in the Paper!" (how cool would that have been for a "HoCo Korner?)
God I'm an idiot.
Doing a little politician... I did run over and kiss my Grandma at one point.
Here's Ang, doing a great job pick out the "Target Market".
I bet I ran a mile in that Parade, but like Tim said "It's like your wedding, you plan and plan and it's over in a second."
Once again, just another great great kickball experience in Port Hope, I really think I got something growing there. Special thanks to my sisters-in-law Cathy and Gretchen, my Mom and Dad, brother Greg, Keri, Mark, Tim, and Ang who all gave me all the help I needed to make it happen.
Let me know if you are in or out this week, I think we have a short staff (story of my life).
Bri and I are out this week and next. Good luck to everyone though:)
I'm IN!!
I am in and will bring a case of Beer. Kevin is out, anyone else want to bring a case?
Sarah is out this week, sorry.
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