Wash your hair Kurt
For the purposes of this week's write up I want to focus on Kurt's first quote. I thought it was relevant based on the team we played Friday. Abba Zabba is a great example of what I don't want a kickball team to be. They are very good, we would have to play perfect in order to have a chance to beat them. They are going to win the league title and be the heavy favorite in the playoffs, that's a fact. They are also a bunch of Assholes. I look at Abba Zabba and I don't see the "kickball spirit" I see in Double Deuce.
"I would rather play for a kickball team that had a losing record, that I loved, than play for a winning team I hated." - Ryan Woodke
However, what I do want to see more of is people "getting in the game". The outfield should treat every play like a pickle situation. Get in there and back up 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Cover home if need be. Think about what you need to do with the ball if it comes to you. How should we adjust when a guy is up compared to a girl. Play the field, not your position.
"Ass of the Week" could go in a few different directions this week. The Toddster made his debut this week and played great, Dan and Jamie also made there first appearance and showed lots of promise. I always like to give credit to people who come out and don't know a lot of players on the team, thanks to Kerri and Erica for helping with the subs this week. A couple people mentioned that I could get it this week, I have to tell the truth, my throat was a little sore after the game because I don't think I stopped yelling the whole time. If I would have scored that run I would have considered giving myself the nod, but I didn't.
I think in the end the "Ass of the Week" is a no brainer. It has to go to Timmy. Not only did he unwittingly make one of the most amazing plays I've seen when the ball went through his legs on his way home, he brought every single member of his family to the game. Tim, since it is summer and you wear a helmet 15 hours a day, I think you should have Ang cut your hair like this dude I saw at the Tigers game a few weeks ago. So way to go T-DOG on a great "Ass of the Week" performance.
Let me know if you are in or out this week, it's a screwy week and we are going to have a hard time getting at team together.
You shut up! Kurt was totally talking to me(running into my room with my tiger beat pics of Kurt pinned up everywhere and slamming the door).
Oh yeah, and I'm in for this week.
It doesn't take much to bring those bad memory's to the surface does it E? It's not your fault Erica, it's not your fault. I can almost hear the music coming through your closed door..."'I'm so happy, cause today I found my friends, they're in my head'....Kurt knows me personally, he must".
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