Sunday, August 10, 2008

What A Week!

After winning only 3 games all year we win 3 out of 4 in one night, and the only game we lost was against the #1 team in the league and we were never really out of it.  Go figure.  I seemed like we had the perfect line up and everyone was playing outside their minds!  From the top of the line up to the bottom everyone kicked amazingly well.  I think I had more hits Friday than I did all year, including the one where the girl from Abba Zabba took a line drive right in the face and went down like Monica Lewinsky.  I think I caught the kicking fever from our new comers Tuzz and Hambright who I think went a combined 19-20.  Even if people weren't getting hits it seemed like they were advancing the runners, I wish I had all the scores from the season because I'm pretty sure we came close to matching out total run output for the year Friday.  After the first 3 games we had 30 runs, does anyone remember the score to the last game?  We had 8 0r 9 right?  I know we scored more than 40 runs in the previous 14 games, but I bet we didn't score 60....outstanding people.

All I can say is keep it up and for at least 5 more days.  If we kick like we did Friday, the Port Hope Tournament should be something we can win....but I'm getting about 2 steps ahead of myself.

Lots to do and think about for this Friday.  Our game is going to be at Victoria Field, we have not played there yet this year, so I will have to get you directions this week.  The game starts at 7:30, but what that really means is we will follow the game that starts at 6:30 at the same field.  Not sure who we are playing against, but if I had to guess it will either be Chico's Bail Bonds, Ballzonya, Ballz Deep, or Sons of Pitches...(there are a lot of "ball" puns out there huh?)  I have narrowed it down to those 4.  I'm guessing it's going to be Sons of Pitches, but we will just have to see.  Remember we burned up our first lose on Friday so one more and it's all over.

I was putting together the roster for the 15th in my head and for the first time 3 seasons my name isn't going to be on it, and it has really started to bother me.  I'm still going to make sure there are enough people, and everyone knows where they need to be, and someone is bringing beer...and all that stuff.  However, I came to the realization that I have spread myself to thin when it comes to kickball, and that my friends, is a sad realization and really made me rethink my priority's in life.  I have so many kickball oriented events going on I took the day off of work and I still can't do everything I want to do.  I'll tell you what, when I realized that our 4th game was in hand and we where going to win, it was bitter sweet.  I was VERY happy we won, because now we have bragging rights for at least a year, but I couldn't "savor the flavor" because I knew I couldn't be there on the 15th. 

So Bonsall is being promoted to Coach (even though I think he might be to much of a hot head based on the fit he threw Friday night at the ump).  It will be good practice for him since he will be coaching in the tournament in PH the next day.  Being Tournament Director and Coach would be a conflict of interest.

I'll be in touch with everyone going up north on Friday night to make sure everyone has a ride and is organized.  The way I see it, since the game starts at 7:30 there should be enough time to have all the riding arrangements set up so you can leave right from the field to get up there.  If it gets to late you might want to head up Saturday morning, but we have to play at 9:45 or it screws the whole day up for everyone there, so you would have to be on the road by about 7am depending on where you are coming from.  I think Tim said he was going to be at the game so he can lead you there or I can get you directions if you need them.  If you lose the first game you should be able to get to PH by about 11.  If you make it to the last game of the night you should be able to get there by about 2am.  

Ass of the Week was the easiest decision I've ever made, even though it goes against tradition.  Everyone played really well, so nothing really stood out, but the Ass of the Week has to go to the Shit Show during the 4th inning of the 4th game.  Between Jessy getting kicked out and everyone pissing and!  Never saw anything like it.

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